By Appointment Only 
(602) 445-6113
BBB A+ Rating

Phoenix Jewelry Buyers:

We Are the Best Place to Sell Your Old Outdated and Estate Jewelry.

Gold prices are still going strong and now may be a great time to clean out your jewelry box and get cash for your old, outdated jewelry that you don’t wear anymore. When you go to a gold buyer in Phoenix or Chandler AZ to sell your silver and gold jewelry keep these important tips in mind:

Tips To Get The Highest Price For Your Jewelry

Understand how scales work.

One of the key factors that help determine how much you are paid for your gold jewelry is its weight. Keep in mind that the precious metals market (including jewelers, coin dealers and gold buyers) use a measurement standard called a Troy ounce. U.S. scales will measure 28 grams per “normal” English ounce, while gold is measured at 31.1 grams per Troy ounce. Dealers may also use a system of weights called pennyweight (dwt) to measure a Troy ounce (20 dwt = 1 toz), while others will use grams. A pennyweight is the equivalent of 1.555 grams. Be aware that some dealers weigh your gold by pennyweight but pay you by the gram, this is a sneaky way for the dealer to pay you less for more weight of gold.

Know your karats.

Pure gold is too soft to be used by itself in most cases so it is combined with other metals to give it durability and color. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that all jewelry sold in the U.S. describe a karat fineness of the alloy. One karat equals 1/24 of pure gold by weight. So 14 karats would mean the jewelry was 14 parts gold and 10 parts other metals. It is illegal for jewelry to be labeled “gold jewelry” if it is less than 10 karats. It is important to know the karats of your gold to make an informed decision on the scrap value of your jewelry. The purer the gold, the higher the karats, the more you will get for your gold jewelry.

Separate your karats.

Make sure the jewelry with different karat values are weighed separately. Some dealers will weigh all jewelry together and pay you for the lowest karat value.


At Valley Goldmine we want you to be more than happy during your appointment. Some of our clients prefer to keep their stones and simply sell the metal in the jewelry itself. We are required by law to report and hold all purchases for 10 days. At the end of the hold period, we will remove and send them to you free of charge.
For more information about selling gold, silver, platinum or diamonds to Valley Goldmine, contact us by phone or fill out our online contact form today!

Trust Phoenix‘s premier gold buyer – Valley Goldmine.
Schedule Your Same Day Appointment


I had the opportunity to work with Mary @ Valley Gold Mine on a once in a lifetime coin find. While searching through a suitcase of raw, circulated Morgan Silver Dollars with one of her customers, one date caught her eye. Soon I received a text from Mary asking, “the 1893-S Morgan is a better date, right?” I replied, “uh yea, it’s the key date!” I let her know that this date/mintmark is commonly counterfeited or more often altered (fraudsters will add an “S” to an 1893 Philadelphia coin, which has no mintmark), so I needed to see the piece in person to verify it exhibited authentic diagnostics. Upon viewing the coin, I was shocked to learn that it was authentic. Mary and I determined that we would send this rarity into PCGS, a top 3rd Party Grading Service, to get it professionally graded and slabbed. The coin came back Very Fine 35 (VF35), giving it a retail value of about $5,000. This was such a cool find. Something that almost never happens. The rare coins are rare for a reason – you don’t find them everywhere. The moral of the story though is that Mary showed unquestionable integrity with her customer. Where many dealers would have attempted to rip the customer off (buying this key date as a common $25 coin), she notified the customer of the find immediately and then worked diligently to maximize the customer’s value. Strong ethics; an honest business person. Bob DeLean DeLean Numismatics

Robert DeLean Avatar Robert DeLean

I have never sold gold to anyone before and was a bit nervous because I didn't know who to trust. After reading all the amazing Google reviews for Valley Goldmine, I had no doubt that Mary was my go-to gal. She was so thorough in explaining how the entire process works and I felt like she was honest and forthright. I had no idea what I was going to get for my jewelry, but I was VERY happy when she told me what she was going to pay me. I HIGHLY recommend Valley Goldmine if you want to sell your gold and silver and know that you aren't getting ripped off.

P Callahan Avatar P Callahan

I spoke with Mary, who was more than helpful. I haven't made a purchase yet, but she gave me some valuable information that I believe went above and beyond her duty. Kudos, Mary - I hope you see this!

Cierra Romero Avatar Cierra Romero

2 Locations in Arizona To Serve You

Give us a call to schedule your confidential appointment at either of our 2 area locations.

Average Customer Rating:
4.9 out of 5

(602) 445-6113
Phoenix Arizona
4600 E. Washington St. Ste 300
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Chandler Arizona
1820 E. Ray Rd.
Chandler, AZ 85225

Rated A+ Better Business Bureau 

BBB A+ Rating

Schedule Your Appointment

Valley Goldmine meets with individual clients on a one-on-one basis for safety and security. Use the form below to schedule your appointment.
BBB A+ Rating

COVID 19 UPDATE: Pursuant to Gov. Ducey’s Executive Order 2020-18, we are classified as an essential business . We have carefully considered the issues and have decided to remain open in order to be a safe option for those who are in need of funds in this tough time.

1 on 1 appointment = safe social distancing!  If you are looking for a little cash to get you through this tough time but leery of crowding at gold buyer & pawnshops, call us to make a private appt.

As a mother who also takes care of both Alzheimers & immuno-suppressed family members, safety is my primary concern.  Everything gets sanitized between every appt & I have a mask to wear while helping anyone with heightened risk or who would just feel more comfortable.

If you have old jewelry that you’ve been thinking of turning into cash, now may be the time.  The gold market is within ~10% of the historical highs, just be safe when you sell.